Volunteer Journey

Why Join IRC

We believe that the success of an organization depends on the people that work in it. Therefore, here at IRC, we reward our employees not only financially but also intellectually by investing in them. We send our employees to various trainings within and outside of Pakistan to expand their capacity and network. There is an open door policy and any staff member can seek guidance and advice from management at any level. If you are a person who is determined to work towards betterment of the marginalized people, then we offer you that chance as we have a vast rural outreach in Sindh.

why irc

IRC encourages new ideas of innovation

To foster an environment of innovation, the senior management at IRC encourages new ideas and approaches suggested by the team. Furthermore, we believe in transparency and equality within IRC and so pay differentials within IRC are one of the lowest in the sector.

One thing which we can promise you is that when you are done with your day’s work, you will feel the utmost level of satisfaction as by then, you would have contributed towards making thousands of lives better than before (or we can write…thousands of lives more empowered).

They Need Your Help!

Your Every Single Donation Counts.